

Trying the Demo

To try the Hikma Health EHR system without deploying it to your own server, follow these instructions:

  1. On a computer, open the demo dashboard page and sign in here:
  • Email:
  • Password: HikmaTester4
  1. After signing in to the dashboard, click on "Activate app". This will give you a QR code.
  2. Android Users: Download the Hikma Health android application from the play store here:
  3. iOS Users: Download the Hikma Health iOS application from the app store here:
  4. On the sign in page of the android app, click on "Register app with QR code". This will open the camera.
  5. Scan the QR code on the administrator dashboard to connect your android device.
  6. After scanning the QR code, proceed to sign in with the same credentials
  7. On successful sign in, you can proceed with patient registraion, recording visits and more.


If you experience any issues with your deployment process, the first step should be to look at the logs (whether this is the browser console or the server logs). If the issue is still not clear, please file an issue directly on github or send us an email. Please include as much detail as possible, we prefer if you include too much details and screenshots / videos.

If you are stuck for more than 15 minutes, please reach out.

Getting started